ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Pensacola, Destin, Panama City, & Surrounding Areas
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July 05, 2022

Can You Save Money With A Security System In Pensacola?

Contingent on your unique requirements, you can specifically tailor your a home security system for traditional alarms and cameras, fire protection, home automation, and around-the-clock monitoring. The only catch is that there's a monthly fee for the package.

But is it possible to save money with a home security system in Pensacola? Actually, you can! There’s an opportunity for savings on energy costs with home automation and through potential premium discounts on home insurance. You’ll also want to consider the amount you stand to save by not becoming a victim to a home break-in.

Cut Costs With Home Automation

One of the best methods to save money with a home security system in Pensacola is to use home automation. Components like smart lighting, overhead door sensors, and thermostats allow your home to be much more energy conscious. Take a look at a few methods in which you can save on your utility expenses by implementing automation:

● Program schedules so your HVAC is adjusted and your smart light bulbs switch off when you turn in for the night.

● Receive alerts to your smartphone in the event you left for work with the garage wide open. Then secure it remotely to keep your home safe.

● Utilize geofencing to reduce the temperature, lock the doors, and deactivate the lights when you leave the house.

By using home automation and your smartphone app, you could potentially save over 10% on utilities each year. Not to mention, you will feel safer as well.

Save Money On Home Insurance

Lowering the cost of your home’s insurance plan probably won’t be the primary reason for installing a home security system, but it can be a great bonus. Numerous insurance providers want to reward your efforts in enhancing the safety of your home. Even though the discount amount will differ widely based on your plan and insurer, you may find a decrease in your premium for even the most small upgrades.

While you may receive a deduction for devices like deadbolts and smoke detectors, you stand to be rewarded with a more significant markdown if you have a comprehensive alarm system. Smart locks, monitored fire and burglar alarms, and video cameras, are seen in a favorable light by insurers. Furthermore, 24/7 monitoring is specifically important, as it indicates that a trained professional is ready and waiting to respond to your emergency -- even when you're not home.

Save Money With Your Pensacola Home Security By Discouraging Burglars

The final savings is more theoretical. Nevertheless, the expense of implementing home security is likely to be less when compared to the financial burden you face after an intrusion. Numerous burglars won't even make an effort to access a residence with an ADT yard sign or window decal. Instead, they’ll seek another less protected house.

Averting burglaries might save you the financial setback from property damage and lost items. This expense might fluctuate from a sizable dollar amount to days of frustration and inconvenience. And if you utilize smart devices like fire alarms and flood detectors, you circumvent other common property catastrophes. Your around-the-clock monitoring team will answer any triggered events quickly and have a greater chance to get first responders to your home before the circumstances get worse.

Get A Security System Today

An expertly installed home security system gives you a sense of protection. But they will also save you money on energy costs and more. To take the first step toward your own home security system, contact us at (850) 347-8091 or send in the form on this page.